Vick's Apology: Do We Buy It?

Yes and here's why.

1)Chicks like us can smell bullshit from a mile away. Don't you think we'd have a dog shit detector?

2)So yeah, he gave us the equivalent of the "I'm sorry baby" line that most guys whip out after they mess up big. But there was something about the discomfort in his tone that made us think he really meant it. Is he sorry he got caught? Hell yeah! But you have to believe that he legitimately feels bad for all the kids he let down...for the "role model gone bad" cliche he's lived up to. After all, this is the same guy whose foundation raises money every year for disadvantaged children in Virginia and Georgia. This is the same guy who works closely with kids in his hometown to help mold them into the NFL stars of the future and provide for them the father figure he didn't have.

3)He didn't read from a speech. Had he been coached? He'd be a fool not to get coached. But this guy couldn't have transformed himself into Johnnie Cochran over night. Many of those words were from the heart. Although, we certainly noted he was careful not to get specific on what exactly it was he felt a need to apologize for.

4) He didn't cry. Any lawyer or PR pro will tell you nothing's better than a case of the water works to get the public back on your side. But he didn't go there. It didn't even seem like he was trying to go there. It seemed like, if anything, he was just trying to get through it. He was just trying to survive the moment.

5) He said what the Chicks have been saying all along.

"I hope that every young kid out there in the world watching this interview right now who's been following the case will use me as an example to using better judgment and making better decisions."

What does he need to do now? Practice what you preach Michael Vick. Do your time, stay involved in the community, and be prepared to have to earn your way back into the NFL. Don't let us down. And remember, hell hath no fury like a Chick scorned.

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