Dirty Jail Bird

Michael Vick is ditching his red and black uniform for black and white stripes. The former Falcons QB is pleading guilty to federal dogfighting conspiracy charges. The plea deal means he'll likely do about a year of jail time. We won't know just how long he'll be sent to the slammer until his sentencing hearing next Monday.
Who could forget just a few weeks ago when Vick urged the public not to rush to judgement in his dogfighting case? He followed that up by professing his innocence in a statement read by his attorney. Not since "I did not have sexual relations with that woman" has a man's own words come back to bite him...doggie style!
Meanwhile, the Chicks are left to ponder...what will become of our most hated NFL opponent? Joey Harrington will obviously take over as the Falcons starting QB this season. But we'll get far less pleasure out of seeing Charles Grant lay Lil' Joey on his back than we would #7. The Falcons and the NFL remain mum on Vick's future with the franchise. But that's sort of like when you crash your mom and dad's car while breaking curfew and they immediately give you the silent treatment. In other words, just cuz you haven't been punished yet doesn't mean you won't get grounded.
For Vick, "grounding" will likely come in the form of being kicked off the Falcon's team and possibly having to turn over a portion of his $100+ million dollar contract. Plus, his admission of guilt pretty much means he lied to NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell like a "Coach" bag for sale on a Canal St sidewalk.
Vick's also guilty of violating the NFL's conduct policy, big time, making his future in the NFL that much more uncertain. What team would want this kind of drama? Will fans, dog lovers, the media, etc. ever forgive him? Will becoming the girlfriend of some 300 pound inmate who likes to be called "Bertha" kill his spirit and rob him of the moves that made him famous? Only time will tell.
It's probably best we also take this as an opportunity to do a PSA of sorts to athletic stars of the future. DON'T BE STUPID!!! Making millions of dollars as an NFL star means you no longer have to prove how "hard" you are. If your old friends don't accept the new you, then buy new friends!!!! When you feel the urge to do something stupid, reflect on this moment. Thank you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

All day I kept thinking...how cool would it be if, when Vick is escorted into the federal prison he'll call home for a while, they play on the loudspeaker that song "WHO LET THE DOGS OUT"...woop, woop woop woop...