Oh Snap!

Shouldn't "Mary" have been at the Packers game cheering on Brett instead of watching the Eagles get that ass tapped in the Big Apple?

A loss to the Seahawks and a bad hair day. Could it get much worse for the 49ers' Keith Lewis?

Devin Hester "Soulja Boy's" his way into the end zone. The Lions returned with a "Supa Soak that Ho!" in the fourth quarter.

You can bet Lions running back Tatum Bell will be the butt of jokes for a while after ripping his pants during a 12 yard run. Now if only we could find that extreme close up captured by the FOX Sports cameras...

1 comment:

Chef Who Dat said...

Insightful, cutting edge commentary like this gets Chef over the bye week hump. Looks like the Golden Spoon was well-deserved.