Nice Suit. It'd Look Even Better Crumpled Up On My Floor...

Now that we have your's time to give Reggie Bush something he desperately needs: A WIN! Since we can't block for him, or play call, or force him at gunpoint to run through the tackles instead of that sideways tap dance thing, we'll help him score a much-needed "W" off the field. He's our pick for S.I.'s Best Dressed Player in the NFL.

Reggie is competing against the likes of "initials for nicknames" studs like L.T. of the Chargers (who could also use some good news), T.O. (who couldn't possibly be in need of an ego boost, of any kind) and T.B. Oh wait, that stands for tuberculosis. Okay, we're talking about Tom Brady.
The top vote-getter will go head to head with best dressed champs from other sports come mid-November in a fashion face-off. May the best "metro" win...

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